Sunday, March 7, 2010

Not Even Death

Our fleeting shouts of “Hosanna!”, they all too quickly fade.

…..But not even death could keep Him away.

We cried out for a Savior, and He came to us that day.

…..But not even death could keep Him away.

Then our praises turn to cursing, as we look the other way.

…..But not even death could keep Him away.

We spoke of Him in anger, and not a word would He say.

…..But not even death could keep Him away.

Beaten, bruised, abandoned, it was our debt He came to pay.

…..But not even death could keep Him away.

God’s broken heart of anguish, made Him hide his face.

…..But not even death could keep Him away.

All hell and it’s demons, scoffed at His disgrace.

…..But not even death could keep Him away.

Our futures seemed so hopeless when they put Him in the grave.

…..But not even death could keep Him away.

He returned with life for us, when He rose on that third day,

…..Because not even death could keep Him away.

Because His love for us was overwhelming, not even death could keep Him away!

Amy Rainey 4/09


How much of a Vision is seen with the eye?
Or heard with the ear?
Or thought with the mind?
Or felt with the heart?

Like life that springs from the crack in the earth?
It comes not from the surface
But extends deep into hidden places,
Secret depths of treasure.

Each finger roots deep until it finds
Rich soil and tender earth
Which brings forth the nourishment
intended for the heart and soul.

As it makes every effort to produce life,
It's as though sight and sound
and thought and passion
Spring forth in revelation and birth.

It blossoms and blooms fruits of wonder
under the careful watchful eye of the Master Gardener.
It's produce springs forth from the unseen.
First small to the observer then abounding in glory.

Glory for One.......Only One....

Amy Rainey 7/6/09

His Voice

Some know not the sound of His voice.
But how shall it be described...
For at times it is as a soft breeze rustling through leaves
But others as a rushing wind exerting power on what doesn't bend.
It's like the soft trickle of water as it sings across small pebbles
Or it is like strong waves that beat and crash against the shore.
Like spring showers that tenderly patter on leaf and petal
And then as forceful torments in sheets that flood.
In solitude and serenity is where it is heard, in the silence
As a still small voice, a whisper in the garden.
Like food for the soul and nourishment to the spirit of the one He loves.
Easily remembered and craved in times when He is quiet.

Amy Rainey 7/7/09

The Treasure

As new found treasure brought from the depths into sight
Glimpses of sunlight capture first smooth surfaces
Then thrown about by angled cuts of gems and glass
Prisms of color dance about as captured in a whirlwind
As to tempt it's finder to dig deeper into the heart
For often the most precious tokens have settled deep
As if it were cradled safely to be earnestly found when sought.

Amy Rainey 7/7/09

The Butterfly

Emerging from his slumber,
His wings unfold from it's blanket of protection.
His colour dries in it's own unique fashion.
The fragile lattice work binds the dusty ink
In an intricate and majestic pattern .
The etched colour reflects the sun like stained glass.
On the breathe of God his beauty in full view
His erratic and graceful flight seems to draw our focus
And landing to display his splendor of God's handiwork.
A trophy appearing as tender delicate softness
But holding the strength to travel thousands of miles
Only because his God carries him on the wind.

Amy Rainey 7/7/09

Growth To Faith

Like trees against the backdrop of dusk, thier silhouette display only stature and form.
Void of distinctive features to the eye but not absent to reality.
THough darkness pours in from above , drowning out the last glimmers of light.
The pure darkness only to reveal twinkling bodies as if eyes from heaven.
As the outline of branch and foliage blend in with night
Not seeing but understanding their presence still remain - Unmoving.
That moment when it seems as though night will be eternal
On the horizon as our soul yearns with an overwhelming longing
The flood of hues, first gently creeping beneath the veil
Then bursting forth of glorious light, revealing awesome wonder.
The gifts once hidden until called forth to life by it's Creator.

Amy Rainey


The deepest desires and longings of my spirit, though half-heartedly grasping at endless portals of pleasure.

Drawn from the heart as an unquenchable thirst, craving the intoxication of fullness to the soul.

Revelation brought forth through consistent unmet expectations in wordly treasures.

As true delight is found IN The Delighter, a satisfying peace not just ever-lasting

But ever-drawing to drink The Living Water and know that the Lord He is good.

"O, God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you"(Ps.63:1)

Amy Rainey 8/16/09

At The Foot Of The Cross

As I find strength to walk in Your Ways,
Surely it is then, that I have seen grace.

Though my heart prone to wander and my love it may stray,
Surely it is then, that I have seen grace.

That I should speak Your truths in all that I say,
Surely it is then, that I have seen grace.

As I desire Your statutes and hunger for it's taste,
Surely it is then, that I have seen grace.

In my passion to be holy and grow in the faith,
Surely it is then, that I have seen grace.

As I lift thanksgiving and offer you praise,
Surely it is then, that I have seen grace.

In the midst of the storms, my trust does not sway,
Surely it is then, that I have seen grace.

As I cry out to You, to just see your way,
Surely it is then, that I have seen grace.

At the foot of the cross, as I look to Your face,
Oh surely it is then, that I have seen grace!

From God's first act of love to each passing day,
The Lord of My Life desires to show grace!

“For who regards you as superior? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as if you had not received it?” I Corinthians 4:7

Amy Rainey

To See Grace

As I find strength to walk in Your Ways,
Surely it is then, that I have seen grace.

Though my heart prone to wander and my love it may stray,
Surely it is then, that I have seen grace.

That I should speak Your truths in all that I say,
Surely it is then, that I have seen grace.

As I desire Your statutes and hunger for it's taste,
Surely it is then, that I have seen grace.

In my passion to be holy and grow in the faith,
Surely it is then, that I have seen grace.

As I lift thanksgiving and offer you praise,
Surely it is then, that I have seen grace.

In the midst of the storms, my trust does not sway,
Surely it is then, that I have seen grace.

As I cry out to You, to just see your way,
Surely it is then, that I have seen grace.

At the foot of the cross, as I look to Your face,
Oh surely it is then, that I have seen grace!

From God's first act of love to each passing day,
The Lord of My Life desires to show grace!

“For who regards you as superior? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as if you had not received it?” I Corinthians 4:7

Amy Rainey

Broken Vessel

With a broken heart
I brough forth a broken vessel
Filled with broken dreams and broken pieces.

The contents within held no value
The offering I brought had no worth
The pieces gathered were no treasure.

Within the hands of the Father
Cradled in the strength of His grasp
In His reflection - displayed His glory.

The broken pieces, less visible
From each surface, angle and edge
The prisms of light shown forth the Son.

In awe of the contents
And the abundance of the soul
The vessel once barren now floods and overflows.

By grace it first was emptied
With mercy it was crushed
Not from without but from within He manifests his love.

From small cracks and crevices
Dripping yet not decreasing the fill
But ever-flowing with tenderness from above.

Amy Rainey (9/5/09)

Mary's Treasure

As she pondered all these things
And treasured them in her heart.
Do you think she ever dreamed
She'd become a work of art?

That for Christmas of all times
Upon a mantel stood,
Many forms and styles - The Nativity,
Made of clay and glass and wood.

Some portrayed with simplicity
With the plainest of expression;
While others gleam nobility
With grandiose impressions.

Or if she knew the future awe
That would befall each soul,
Would she wrap Him in finest silk
And lavish Him with gold.

For a King should drape in satin
And display the finest stones.
For all to look upon Him,
While seated on His throne.

Mary took each moment
And stored them in her heart.
She remembered every detail
And savored every part.

For this King she held so tranquil
In the cradle of her breast.
Could she ever comprehend
How she was truly blessed?

His skin was soft as satin,
And his locks like finest silk,
His lips were drenched with honey
As He drank his mother's milk.

The starlight streamed like diamonds,
Upon His little bed.
While soothed with songs from angels
As she stroked His little head.

Her eyes peered with amazement.
Her heart beat deep inside.
Her joy she could not muffle,
Her tears she could not hide.

She never wished for more.
She'd never change the scene.
For she was first to experience,
Kisses from the King.

By Amy Rainey 12/02

My Daddy

With a crook in his back and his legs with a bow
This man stood straighter than anyone I know.
From the strength of his back or work of his hand
No one could measure the success of this man.

The words that he spoke and the love that he showed
Could never have encompassed all his heart would not hold.
For all that he was given he gave in return
In each and every moment was a lesson he could learn.

By the lifting of his shoulder to the bending of his knee
He saw each and every need as a noble ministry.
Driven to bring healing and spread His Father's love
A treasure to the hurting, an angel from above.

A fixer of the broken, a lifter of the load,
A giving heart so merciful, he never failed to show.
No acknowledgement by friend or promise of reward
Would ever change his motive of working for the Lord.

In duty was delight, for the glory of his God
Never did he question the path he was to trod.
Perseverance in his journey and power in his life
Ever pushing onward and lengthening his stride.

Until the day that "finished" was exclaimed with great delight
And on the wings of eagles He taught him how to fly.
Into the realms of heaven in the presence of the King
To see Him in His glory and hear the angels sing.

Amy Rainey
January 8, 2010

Pursuing Love

An object of affection, yet unaware.
A pursuit of love, a life of despair.
A fatal journey to worlds unknown.
A widder path, I walked alone.

An erring soul, I downward trod.
A rebelious heart, a Sovereign God.
Though sinking deep, yet deeper still.
None could thwart the Master's will.

His plan was great, His grace was wide,
My sinful stains, I could not hide.
Shame that brought me to my knees,
Love that longed to bring me peace.

Not for myself, but unto Thee
The life I live's no longer me,
But only to His glory raise
Abundant joy and highest praise.

Amy Rainey 2/21/10

All To Him

Loose my hands to things of want,
Take away the things I flaunt.
That I may only grasp the things,
Only to Your glory brings,
Eternal treasures and reward,
To be lifted to my Lord.
Meager offerings of praise,
To the God who gives me grace.
All to Him, to Him owe,
Jesus...... lover of my soul!

Amy Rainey 2/21/10

The Bride And The Bridegroom

Undeserving, unbecoming of one to be betrothed.
Still yet.....the Bridegroom, rescued, cleansed and clothed.

Unsightly and unworthy - Should a righteous eye behold?
But with mercy and compassion, His love for me He told.

Purifying, beautifying - Washed with water by His Word.
Wooing my heart to Him - The most tender voice I've heard.

He clothed with finest linen - Without wrinkle, spot or stain.
For me, the robes of righteousness, a precious price He paid.

The dowry He gave - By giving of His life.
His blood He poured out willfully, to take His faithful bride.

May He find my lampstand burning and ever shining bright.
As He says, "My love I've come for You - For you are my delight"!

Ever-watching for Him, 'tis then that I'll rejoice.
Ever-longing, ever-waiting to hear the Bridegroom's voice.

In His gardens and His chambers, shall I forever stay.
And the shadows of earthly pleasure will quickly fade away.

Amy Rainey 1/28/10

Storms The Soul

Within contains a torrent,
Uncontrolled the lashing current.

Constant churning from beneath,
Ever rising from the deep.

Stirring high above the sail,
Comes forcefully the gale.

The mast with groans of fright,
Moans while blanketed in night.

Gigantic walls of sea extend,
Before the crushing fist of wind.

As rocks tear at the keel,
I gripped hopelessly the wheel.

I cried out for One to save,
From the torment of the wave.

The Sovereign mighty hand,
Stretched out to rescue man.

My voice in desperate shrill
And God said peace be still.

To His word the winds obey
And calm the frantic sway.

Undeserving favor sought
And my worthless soul was bought.

"May you my compass be?"
And "Chart my course", my plea.

Even though the storms may roll,
Your the Captain of my soul.

Amy Rainey

The Hour Before The Dawn

There is an hour that lingers before
the dawn,
As if it were to set the hook in depth
of night,
In desperation grasping for the light
From within, deepest fears pour forth
to incite
A fiend that onward looks to hope
that's gone.
Prey that'd flee if had the power
of flight.
'Round about the heavy burdens curtain
Weakened eyes but strain for hints
of light.

The deafening roar of silence to haunt
thy head,
Echoes the beat by hands of time- as if
to moan
A muffled cadence - the journey of
the dead.
Drawing from the soul's spontaneous
A lifeless surrender to a mournful
Spread out upon the endless depth
was prone,
Appeared the helpless corpse upon
thy bed.
For shall thy servant ....suffer death...

Through darkness broke a single
That shattered death with hopes
of life.
Only after dark of night, can one see
the day.
Abruptly quiets dreadful sounds of
inward strife
And calms the tormented soul it's
downward sway,
As piercing through the blinding veil-
the knife.
Regenerate spirit breathes out it's sighs
of praise,
As One hopelessly blind receives his sight..........

To only see His face.

Amy Rainey 3/6/10