Sunday, March 7, 2010

Not Even Death

Our fleeting shouts of “Hosanna!”, they all too quickly fade.

…..But not even death could keep Him away.

We cried out for a Savior, and He came to us that day.

…..But not even death could keep Him away.

Then our praises turn to cursing, as we look the other way.

…..But not even death could keep Him away.

We spoke of Him in anger, and not a word would He say.

…..But not even death could keep Him away.

Beaten, bruised, abandoned, it was our debt He came to pay.

…..But not even death could keep Him away.

God’s broken heart of anguish, made Him hide his face.

…..But not even death could keep Him away.

All hell and it’s demons, scoffed at His disgrace.

…..But not even death could keep Him away.

Our futures seemed so hopeless when they put Him in the grave.

…..But not even death could keep Him away.

He returned with life for us, when He rose on that third day,

…..Because not even death could keep Him away.

Because His love for us was overwhelming, not even death could keep Him away!

Amy Rainey 4/09

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