Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Bride And The Bridegroom

Undeserving, unbecoming of one to be betrothed.
Still yet.....the Bridegroom, rescued, cleansed and clothed.

Unsightly and unworthy - Should a righteous eye behold?
But with mercy and compassion, His love for me He told.

Purifying, beautifying - Washed with water by His Word.
Wooing my heart to Him - The most tender voice I've heard.

He clothed with finest linen - Without wrinkle, spot or stain.
For me, the robes of righteousness, a precious price He paid.

The dowry He gave - By giving of His life.
His blood He poured out willfully, to take His faithful bride.

May He find my lampstand burning and ever shining bright.
As He says, "My love I've come for You - For you are my delight"!

Ever-watching for Him, 'tis then that I'll rejoice.
Ever-longing, ever-waiting to hear the Bridegroom's voice.

In His gardens and His chambers, shall I forever stay.
And the shadows of earthly pleasure will quickly fade away.

Amy Rainey 1/28/10

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