Sunday, March 7, 2010

Broken Vessel

With a broken heart
I brough forth a broken vessel
Filled with broken dreams and broken pieces.

The contents within held no value
The offering I brought had no worth
The pieces gathered were no treasure.

Within the hands of the Father
Cradled in the strength of His grasp
In His reflection - displayed His glory.

The broken pieces, less visible
From each surface, angle and edge
The prisms of light shown forth the Son.

In awe of the contents
And the abundance of the soul
The vessel once barren now floods and overflows.

By grace it first was emptied
With mercy it was crushed
Not from without but from within He manifests his love.

From small cracks and crevices
Dripping yet not decreasing the fill
But ever-flowing with tenderness from above.

Amy Rainey (9/5/09)

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